These 5 Steps reveal the things you MUST AVOID if you want to play low scoring golf, drop your handicap and achieve your ideal golf body.
you is my life’s work, so I really want to shed some light on why
you’re not seeing any real improvements with your game.
Here are just a few reasons why the majority of people don’t ever play to their full potential:Step #1: Take Care of Your Massive Energy Leak
Golfers have one very powerful center of force and it’s called the core.
The golf swing relies upon core strength, endurance and proper
engagement for any kind of reliable distance off the tee. And, it’s just
not off the tee, but it can affect every shot you make leading to the
green.Core conditioning is very important for a golfer because all movements in your entire body stem from the strength in this area.
Wherever you find a weak core, you find a major source of energy leaks in the golf swing.
The core is where the body’s center of gravity is located and where force production begins.
Most people have a very weak core, and as a result, chronic posture problems. Over time, this creates wear and tear on the body. A golfer with a weak core is vulnerable to injury and struggles with efficiency in their swing.
Step #2: Stop Neglecting the Three Vital Body Parts
Can you guess the top 3 areas of concern on the body for most every golfer? That’s right. It’s the shoulders, hips and spine!
Most people don’t know the right techniques to activate their powerful trio.
Every great golf instructor will tell you that your body rotates around your spine. It acts like a pivot point in the golf swing.
Without the correct method of shoulder rotation, you have very little chance of getting your arms in the proper position in your backswing and, sadly, this limits your follow through.
And the hips?
Top players initiate their downswing with the powerful muscles of the abs and hips. Once the desired momentum is generated by the lower body, they use their arm muscles to effectively “fine tune” the swing.
Recreational players, on the other hand, use their arm muscles right at the outset. As a result, they are unable to recruit the latent muscle-power in their lower body, while the arm muscles work extra hard both to power and guide the club. No wonder it leads to an inconsistent swing!
Step #3: 99% of Golfers Don’t Know HOW to Get the Right Posture
Every golfer is continually in search of that elusive feel of the perfect swing. Books are written on the topic. Instructional videos promising the “secrets of the perfect swing” sell like hotcakes by mail order and on the internet. Everyone everywhere wants to know what they need to do to swing like the pros.
The truth is you’ve been lied to…
There is no “perfect swing” – at least there’s no one method for achieving it.
If we’ve learned anything from years of watching professional golfers showcase their skills in tournaments around the world, it is that the “perfect swing” varies from player to player.
That doesn’t mean the cause is lost and you’ll never find “that” swing. It just means that you have to find “your” swing.
One of the most important components of a good golf swing is your posture at address. If you have poor posture, your search of the perfect swing becomes more challenging.
Once you learn how to start building strength in the right areas, good golf posture will come easy. Then, you need to build endurance so you can repeat the same winning swing, over and over again.
Step #4: Amateur Golfers Eat Foods that HINDER Their Game
Golf nutrition is among the most important things you should look after. Do you know it is one of the main culprits of a disastrous back nine?
Poor nutrition affects mental focus and
judgment as well as energy management. One minute you’re playing fine
and you have a good eye for the target. Next you know, your game is
falling apart hole by hole, even stroke by stroke.You will never play to your true potential if you don’t learn how to eat like a champion with a solid golf nutrition program.
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