Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wpsubscribers – The Premium WordPress Subscription Plugin

All The Internet Marketing Gurus Say …“BUILD A LIST!” Now Do It Soooo Quickly And Easily, Your Visitors Sign Up Before They Know It!

Forget “One Trick” Popup Software, And Give Your Visitors EVERY Chance To Connect With You …

Hi Friends and Marketers from around the World!
Have you seen these numbers?
They are VERY revealing…
Here’s the breakdown of 10,000 signups…and how they signed up…

  • Popup: 37.8% (Big pop, nice design, big ebook cover)
  • Sidebar: 20% (Text only, graphic subscribe / call to action button)
  • Footer: 19.7% (Text only, graphic subscribe / call to action button)
  • Signup Page: 3.2% (a single, UNLINKED TO squeeze page, similar to popup)
  • Get The Rest Of This: 10.4% (A Special post, with a sign up form in the post…more about this in a bit)
source: Steve Warwick, used with permission

What If You Could… Quickly And Easily…

  • Add An Optin Form with a “lightbox” (a popup with the background darkened, so that all your visitor sees is your Optin Offer, so they either have to subscribe or dismiss your form in order to see the page underneath…)
  • Have a Footer Bar or Header Bar Opt-In Form — especially if you want to attract the visitor’s attention, but not hit them with an “in your face” popup requiring them to take action
  • Display hidden content: Rarely seen outside of expensive WordPress membership software, but you can have it — get your visitors salivating to see more, and show it to them after they’ve opted in.
  • Subscribe on commenting: Get the ideal subscribers — those folks already commenting on your blog … this makes it super simple for them to do— all they have to do is click a checkbox…
  • Subscribe on registration: Not something most blogs offer, but if you offer user registration, why not make it so it adds them to your email list (the one of your choosing, of course!)
  • Put a “Subscribe” Box In All Your Posts: Hey, a sweet, quiet, simple request for them to signup to your email list to get more … you just gave them great content, show them how to keep getting more…
  • Put a “Subscribe” Box In Particular Posts…(shhhh…remember the “Get The Rest Of This” from the Optin statistics above? He split a great post into two, kept the first half in the post and the second half in a pdf. The visitor had to opt-in to the subscribe form in the post to get the second half.)
  • Create a “Cascade” of Exit Popups…under precise “fighter pilot” control…each popup with its own content, each sending the user to a unique URL…and you can add the “cascade” to all your pages or any of your pages…you choose…!
  • Put Your “Subscribe” Form anywhere you want on your WordPress blog…
  • Mix’n’Match all of the above to your heart’s content…
Sound Interesting..Check it out Here

11 tips and tools to jump-start your SEO~ By Rob Petersen

Photo credit: Sean MacEntee
Photo credit: Sean MacEntee

Optimization (SEO) is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine for particular keywords. If you do business on the internet, a top rank on search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing)  is a primary requirement. But even the best SEO strategy and execution takes time to achieve results – generally 2 to 6 months depending on the steps you take and the competition for the keywords you pursue.
What do the numbers tell us about the importance of SEO?
  • 54% of people come to a website from a search engine (source: Forrester)
  • 94% of search engine users click on organic search results (source: Search Engine Watch)
  • 34% click on the website in the 1st position; 95% click on search results from the 1st page (source: Prokell SEO)
So what are you waiting for? Here are 11 tips and tools to jump-start your SEO.

About the author
Rob Petersen is President of BarnRaisers, an online marketing solutions company using social media, the power of community and the proven principles of relationship marketing. Rob was EVP/Chief Strategy Officer for Omnicom and has held leadership positions at FCB, Euro RSCG and Saatchi & Saatchi.Rob has been recognized by the American Marketing Association for building billion dollar businesses multiple times. He has developed game changing consumer relationship platforms that have propelled brands from Abbott, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, MasterCard and Pfizer to market leadership. His accomplishments in business strategy and brand building have led to his thought leadership and expertise in social media. He has developed and executed social media initiatives for the American Heart Association, Colgate, Mars and Shell; all have built online communities with results and ROI’s that exceeded expectations.
Rob is on the faculty of Rutgers University and teaches MBA courses in Digital Marketing and Social Media Measurements and ROI. He also speaks at industry conferences and hold workshops on social media. Rob is a graduate of Colby College in Waterville, Maine

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Determining project scope, size, and expectations (from Link Building: From Beginning to Launch)~ By Andrew Dennis

eBook Pic
My contribution to Biznology this month is an excerpt from Page One Power’s eBook Link Building: From Beginning to Launch. The book aims to provide link builders, both experienced and new, with all the tools and information necessary to execute a link building campaign – from beginning to launch.
Below is a taste of what the book is all about and a preview of what to expect when the book launches on February 24.

The next step in launching a link building campaign is setting project size, scope, and expectations. These should be customized based upon your website; no two link building campaigns will be exactly the same.
Here’s what you’ll need to know before the launch of every campaign, which will help you set project expectations:


Monday, February 17, 2014

Pinterest as a Recruiting Tool: CA Technologies

Pinterest as a Recruiting Tool: CA Technologies

As any successful social media manager knows, visuals drive customer engagement. In fact, video posts are shared 12 times more often than a simple text and link post and photos get approximately 2x as many likes. So, it’s not surprising that Instagram and Pinterest are two of the most rapidly growing social media platforms. With 70 million active users, Pinterest now refers more traffic to outside websites than Twitter.
Although it was not originally designed for it, Pinterest has now become a hot spot for employers, recruiters and career boards. CA Technologies, based out of Islandia, New York, subtly advertises job openings and shows off their company as an employer on Pinterest. CA Technologies provides IT management solutions that help customers manage and secure complex IT environments to support agile business services. Organizations leverage CA Technologies software and SaaS solutions to accelerate innovation, transform infrastructure and secure data and identities, from the data center to the cloud.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A social media hoarder intervention~By Chris Abraham

Social Media Hoarding 

Are you a social media hoarder? Is it time for a bit of a social media spring cleaning? What defines you? Your current creativity, expertise, and work? Or, all the stuff you’ve posted since the beginning of your social media life, including your blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Friendster, MySpace, Flickr, YouTube, et al. Professional organizers recommend donating, recycling, or throwing out everything you own that you have not used in the last six-months. Online, however, we’ve been trailing all of our keepsakes behind us like streamers. This spring, do a massive curation of your online properties. Are there hobbies and professions that are safely in your past that you can prune from your online reputation? Are there hobbies and experiences that don’t define you any more?
 This spring is a brilliant time to get rid of anything and everything that bears no relevance to your current professional life outside of those keepsakes that really accentuate who you are and what you have to offer. You don’t want to cut out the fact that you’re a Forbes Social Media Power Influencer, for example.

Read & Learn More:

 Chris Abraham is a partner in
 To Learn More About the Author:
Click Here:


Increase Your Visibility To Your WebSite: Professional Data Recovery Software Recover Lost D...

Increase Your Visibility To Your WebSite: Professional Data Recovery Software Recover Lost D...:    Professional Data Recovery Software Recover Lost Data in 3 Steps  For All Windows And Mac Computers. 600+ File Types Supported. Testi...

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Increase Your Visibility To Your WebSite: Magic Article Rewrite Program

Increase Your Visibility To Your WebSite: Magic Article Rewrite Program:   There's nothing better than seeing first-hand the profitable results of your article writing. And it’s a “dream strategy” for ...

What Branding Means In The Experience Design Era~Julius Talvik

Chief Innovation Officer Julius Talvik was recently invited to pen a second blog for The Next Web about how the notion of brand is or is not changing in a world where brands must now be pervasive. The full article is published below, but you can also visit The Next Web to read the story, as well.

I have a friend who drinks a lot of coffee. So, when Starbucks introduced its wildly popular loyalty app, he was among the first to download it.
He uses the app daily. In fact, he goes out of his way to use it. At his local Safeway, which has a Starbucks, he buys his whole beans separately from his groceries so he can earn rewards stars for the purchase. He’s been known to fetch an empty bag of beans out of the trash to remove the proof of purchase sticker in a quest for more points. This guy loves his Starbucks app.
As my friend demonstrates, customers are quite literally adapting how they live to the brands they love through technology. This is driving increased preference for the brands that do it best. It is as if Starbucks has cracked the code, much asApple and a handful of others have, that allows the company to modify its customers’ behavior, rather than the other way around.
Starbucks is, in industry parlance, “killing it.” To no one’s surprise, every quick service restaurant under the sun is rushing out its own loyalty app.
It’s hard to imagine a world filled with a different app for each restaurant, but just last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz had reorganized his senior management specifically to put himself more in charge of the company’s digital integration.
So who can say?

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The 7 Best WordPress Alternatives~by Susan Payton

Once upon a time, blogging platforms like WordPress were only used for blogging. Now, WordPress is commonly implemented for easy, user-friendly website design. But these days, WordPress isn’t the only game out there.
Below are the best established and up-and-coming WordPress alternatives, both for blogging and websites.

WordPress Alternatives

1. IM Creator

IM Creator bills itself as “a simple & elegant website builder,” and includes mobile-friendly templates that are a far cry from the early days of WordPress templates, which were flat, clunky and difficult to customize. Templates fall into categories like Architect, Wedding, Hotel and Restaurant and use visual imagery that fit each genre.

The site offers ample support, including “how to” articles and manuals for those wanting a bit more technical detail but who, perhaps, don’t have that level of knowledge.
And while designing a site is free, IM Creator also offers white-label services for companies (marketing agencies, as an example) that want to provide their clients with branded website, hosting, email and domain services.