Thursday, May 30, 2013

Google Analytics Cementing its Place in Social Media Reporting~By Tuhin Ghosh,

Social Media Reporting on Google Analytics

With Google announcing their social media reporting extension in Google Analytics, social media marketing experts can now see the financial value of their efforts. This is already pushing new trends into existence in 2013 and the face of social media SEO may soon change forever. Mind you, now the reports only apply to a few select social media sites that keep Google happy. So are we really getting a comprehensive picture?

The new Google Analytics social reports

Social media marketing usually piques interest and raises brand awareness, but seldom sells directly. The first new report available from Google Analytics examines conversions through social media. By using the new Google Analytics reporting, you can get a good idea of the effect social media has had on your site. It tells you the conversion value total, the maximum value of social media conversions and any sales resulting from direct social media visits.

Segmentation graphs

Google Analytics Cementing its Place in Social Media Reporting image Image 1 300x199
Image courtesy of ddpavumba,
You can also contrast your social traffic conversions with the rest of your website, through social segment graphs. Examining your visitor referrals and channel grouping all social media sites, is how this reporting works. Segmentation of this type could be obtained before, of course, but only going back by one month. Now you can get an overall idea very quickly, and evaluate how social media is benefiting your financial goals (or not).

Social actions

This shows how well your content strategy works in terms of being shared. Unlike social plugin reports, no further tagging is necessary. Everything has been moved to the new Google Analytics social media reporting. The social actions reports do need tagging for social network buttons so they appear correctly on your site, only – in the case of Google+ – this is already done for you.

Social actions off your website

This one is important. You can now evaluate performance by figuring out which content performs well in which social media. The social networks that form part of Google’s Social Hub program, i.e. Delicious, Blogger, Reddit and Google+, will allow you to follow user discussions about your website, even if they do not click through. Facebook and Twitter are excluded, however, so the reports may not be too accurate with these two major players absent from the equation. No one knows whether Facebook and Twitter will hone their own social analytics reporting to compensate for this or eventually end up taking part in the Google Hub project.
Google Analytics Cementing its Place in Social Media Reporting image Image 2 166x300
Image courtesy of jscreationzs,

Unknown territory

2013 will show what the new Google Analytics reporting uncovers. Perhaps we will simply find out that not many people are bothered or affected by social media (at least to the extent that they click on links to buy things). People may or may not buy the same stuff as other people on their social media networking sites. It is always a possibility that their purchases are simply guided by what they personally want or need!

So what might 2013 bring?

Social media marketing will probably begin to look at subtler patterns in 2013, although in the process, it may well come up against user privacy issues. One thing is for sure though: 2013 will be a VERY interesting year for gathering information about the value of social media marketing!


Customer Service Is More Than Just Being Nice~By Flavio Martins

Many organizations tackle the issue of customer service by just telling their employees to smile.

Be polite. Never lose your cool. But isn’t that a little like closing the barn door after the horses have gotten out?
Good customer service should be about a good customer experience with your product. This begins with the relationship your company cultivates with a customer.
Customer Service Is More Than Just Being Nice image customer service team skills1
This relationship will be tested by the entire process of the buyer seller relationship.

1. The images and promises of the marketing campaign

People begin to form opinions of your company and products from the messages they receive before they even purchase your product. Often, they receive these images before they have even thought of buying. Will your images match the experience?

2. The ease of ordering/purchasing the product

Once someone has decided to purchase your products or services, how easy do you make it for them to do so. Is there someone to answer the phones or will they get a voice mail message? Actually, many companies lose sales in this way. Some people, who want to act now, will simply hang up and go on to the next company that will answer their call.
Also, many leads are not followed up A message is left but no one gets back. When the buyer does reach you, are your systems in place to make the purchasing process as simple as possible? Buyers want to feel that they’ve made the right decision in choosing your product. By creating an easy process for ordering, you help them feel confident in their decision.

3. How well does the product live up to the expectations of the marketing?

Your customer now has your product in his possession. Will it live up to any hype used in the marketing campaign? Or will there be a letdown when the actual product does not match the expectations? Marketing is a powerful force. It will create expectations that must be fulfilled by the product. When it doesn’t, it can create customer satisfaction problems. Make sure your product matches expectations.

4. How well will the product live up to the expectations of the customer?

In addition to the marketing message, a customer usually forms his own expectations based on past experiences with similar products, observations and conversations with others. Will this add to the experience or create a letdown? Product must match expectations or exceed them. Anything less will create a potential customer service problem.

5. When something goes wrong, how is it fixed?

Do you acknowledge that problems can happen? Have you decided how to satisfy customers? Have you looked at the financial ramifications of your solutions? Better yet, look at the product itself. If you find many customers with similar products, perhaps it is most appropriate to address weaknesses in the product itself.

6. What are the procedures?

Even with the best of products, problems can occur. It’s best to address these issues beforehand. Decide what processes will be used to satisfy your customers. Think about replacement and its cost, discounts, etc. If you are going to replace a product, how quickly can you get it to someone? As a replacement, it must take precedence over new orders.
Jo Ann Kirby, President of KRG Communications Group, has 20 years experience in sales, cusotmer service, telephone sales, management with an extensive background in training and development. Her background also includes extensive B2B telesales management experience. Jo Ann has been published in The Toastmaster, NAPPS Network and Commerce magazines. Jo Ann says:
Customers will tell more people when they’ve had a bad experience then when they’ve had a good experience. Solving customer problems not only affects that specific customer but many other people as well.
-Jo Ann Kirby, President of KRG Communications Group

7. Can your organization be easily reached or is the process frustration to most?

Everyone has frustrating stories to tell about voice prompts that go nowhere. They don’t cover your problem and they continually loop back into the system without a way to speak to a live operator. Make it easy for people to speak with someone. Test your systems thoroughly. Automation can be a great help and a cost saver for organizations but it must be used judiciously.

8. Can the customer service rep actually help?

Customer services reps must be empowered to solve problems. They must be able to do more than empathize and smile. Nothing is more frustration than a nice customer service rep that is unable to resolve your problem. Give your staff the appropriate information and training. Let them have responsibility and accountability for their actions. Employees tend to rise to the level that is expected of them.

Good customer service requires an ongoing examination of methods.

Making these suggestions part of your daily customer experience management routine will start the thought process necessary to truly deliver world class service. 



Wednesday, May 22, 2013

10 Google+ Communities for PR Pros, SEOs and Social Media Experts-by Violeta-Loredana Pascal

Google PlusThere are many public relations professionals who joined Google+ and share articles and interesting findings on this network. Communities are great places to keep in touch with PR peeps who share the same passion and interests, to exchange ideas, get tips and feel the pulse of the industry.
Below are ten Google+ Communities you should consider joining. They are listed based on the number of members, and cover a wide range of PR, communications and marketing aspects so that all the PR people on Google+ can find something that meets their interests.
  1. Marketing+ – A Community of Marketers. Mobile Local Social Search PR – has over 1700 members. This community invites its members to “assemble some brilliant minds in marketing and connect… so, we can help marketing NOT suck.” Many interesting articles here!
  2. Public Relations – A place for PR pros to talk about workflow, tools, tips, etc., – it is a community with over 1300 members sharing interesting and useful content in various categories.
  3. Social media – this is a community with over 1300 members. The official presentation mentions that beginners and seasoned pros are all invited to learn from each other.
  4. Online Marketing – A great community to talk about Online Marketing – with over 1000 members, open for anyone who deals with SEO, PPC, Social Media, Affiliate Marketing, Email Marketing, Display, analytics and any other areas of performance marketing. They also run monthly events for professionals working in the space.
  5. Social media – Discover How To Use Social Media For Your Business! – has almost 900 members and is a social media community devoted to helping businesses and marketers use social media more effectively.
  6. Online Marketing – Where SEO SEM Online Marketing and webmasters meet – is a community with over 600 members discussing SEO, SEM, online Marketing best practices and so forth.
  7. Search Marketing – The latest news, tips, articles, and discussions in Search Marketing – has over 500 members and it is a Google+ community that was created to bring you the latest in Paid Search, SEO and Social Media and as a platform for open discussions and idea sharing.
  8. PR and Public Relations – A Google+ group for PR professionals both in house and agency. This community has almost 300 members, but only few share content. However, the articles and recommendations you’ll find here will make you join the community dedicated to PR professionals from around the world.
  9. PR & Communications Professionals – Increase networking and facilitate discussions on industry trends. This community has over 260 members, but it is a community very relevant to PR pros so I simply had to feature it on this list. There are many categories with relevant and interesting topics, designed for industry professionals interested in the latest news and discussions about public relations, marketing, branding, social media and more.
  10. Inbound Marketing – all-in-one marketing resources is a community with over 260 members sharing articles and discussing SEO, social media, marketing, PR, etc.
Yes, I know, there is also Internet Marketing – A Network of Internet Marketing Professionals community, with over 1300 members, but I find the content on the other communities to be more interesting, and since it is a list of 10, this community gets a mention here.
Another important thing: yes, you will find some people and articles in more than one community. In the end, you can check these communities and see which one(s) are of more interest to you and then join them.


About Violeta-Loredana Pascal
Violeta-Loredana Pascal has over 10 years of experience in PR, marketing and communication, and has been running her own PR agency, PRwave INTERNATIONAL for 7 years. She is passionate about reading, blogging and traveling – see Travel – Moments in Time. Follow her on Twitter - @violetaloredana (Romanian and English) and @TravelMoments (English only).

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Reasons why Bitcoins are gaining Popularity~What is it?~By Niraj Satnalika

Bitcoins are a form of “e-money” which is made of complex code created with the help of computer. Process of creating Bitcoin is called mining and it can be carried out by anyone with the help of a computer. Bitcoin is free from central bank intervention and is a promising form of electronic cash. Bitcoin is currently under experimental mode used over the internet. However it is gaining popularity among people at a tremendous pace. Read all about Bitcoins in my earlier article.

Reasons why Bitcoins are gaining Popularity

1. Bitcoins can be easily stored on a user’s Hard Drive

It is easy to store Bitcoins in a virtual wallet of an individual which is stored on a hard drive. The software written to create Bitcoin is difficult. So once mined, Bitcoins are stored on a user’s hard drive in a virtual wallet. It can be directly sent to other person bypassing the intermediary banks while remaining anonymous.

2. Developments have brought Bitcoin to limelight

Cyber currency as a concept existed for years. However the perfect storm of technological advancement and development has helped Bitcoin get the centre stage. The development in the global economy has brought Bitcoins to the cusp of mainstream use.

3. Strong Cryptographic Feature

Bitcoin is created, used, transferred without the help or intervention of any intermediary banks. The transactions are done independently. The cryptographic feature of the currency makes it immune from counterfeiting. The level of anonymity associated with the currency promises the ability to spend money over the internet without fear of censor.

4. System is a network of ‘miners’

The system of creating Bitcoins is called mining. Also it can be created by any individual with the help of computer and set of programs. The system is a network of “miners” who supply the network with the processing power. This is necessary so as to maintain proper transparency in the system. Tally is one of the ways to prevent fraud and miners are rewarded for supporting the system.

5. Retailers have welcomed Bitcoins

There have been several arguments over Bitcoin design. However the true test of a currency lies in the hand of retailers if they can buy anything using the same. It is interesting to note that Bitcoin has passed the test. From hard drugs to hard currency, songs, cars, consumer goods and many more, retailers have welcomed the new technology of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is being widely accepted by the masses.

6. Not Vulnerable to cyber attacks

It was noticed that the virtual currency is vulnerable to cyber attack. In June 2011, cyber attack, when the hackers targeted virtual wallets and tried to wipe out the accounts, Bitcoins was the one which had limited risk and remained safe. The safety issue of Bitcoin was identified by the European Central Bank during June 2011 cyber attack.

7. Number of businesses accepting Bitcoin are growing

The currency crises in Europe helped Bitcoin gain tremendous popularity. The investors interest grew and the number of businesses announced acceptance of Bitcoins for wide range of goods. Very soon this became a movement in Europe and Bitcoins gain tremendous popularity not only among individuals but also businesses and corporate houses.

8. Two high-level champions: The Winklevoss Brothers

The Winklevoss brothers need no introduction, they are known to be the men behind the idea of social network. The brothers also accused social network giant Facebook Inc. founder Mark Zuckerberg for stealing the idea. The currency appeared to have the two masterminds after its success. The currency at least has two high-level champions: the Winklevoss Brothers which itself makes it an idea worth thinking.

Niraj Satnalika

Niraj is an MBA in International Business (Finance). Prior to this he completed B.Tech in Electronics and Instrumentation. He is currently working with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Kolkata in capacity of Consultant. Satnalika is actively involved with an NGO and works towards promoting education among the underprivileged.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Can you build an audience while maintaining intimacy?

Photo by practicalowl (Creative Commons)


Yes. In fact, you must. Just don’t go on social auto-pilot and start collecting people

Chris AbrahamYou know how much I am obsessed with long-tail blogger outreach, right? I am a man possessed! That said, I really don’t collect people. People don’t like being collected. As people, we don’t like being part of a menagerie. While it’s easy to collect people, it’s even easier to take them for granted, and there’s probably a tipping point. I have been consulting some bouncing social media babies recently, and they’re doing it right. They’re each running a couple of hundred followers and friends and they know everyone. They’re aware of exactly who they’re following and get really excited whenever anyone follows them back.
But please forgive me, I felt the same way too, and I must tell you that I really needed the reminder. I mean, not to brag, but I have had 500+ connections on LinkedIn since before many of you were born. And with 43,000+ followers on Twitter and 4,777 friends on Facebook, it keeps me busy.
With such a torrent of conversation splashing and sloshing around me all the time, manifesting in an endless din, I of course am just about always overwhelmed.
It’s almost impossible to both maintain the cultivated intimacy of those very first days of exploration when you knew the name of everyone you followed and, especially, everyone who followed you.
And, for your good words, your good message, your brilliance and genius to make its mark, you have to build an audience.
There’s the rub. While your followers and friends will probably not lose their attachment to you — in fact, their attachment might grow as they spend more time with your voice, your words, your wit, and your wisdom — you’ll get overwhelmed, too, just like I did.

People don’t like being collected

Honestly, I don’t know if I have done a very good job of it myself. I have tried to create Twitter lists and keep connected, but it’s not easy. It’s also not easy when people, over time, know you more than you can know them — even on Facebook.
Always remember, people don’t like being collected.
Do your best to not allow your burgeoning social media empire to go on autopilot. While it’s virtually impossible to keep up with so many people (unless you keep the number of people you follow to a severe minimum or limit your engagement with people you don’t personally know on Facebook to just followers and not friends), that doesn’t mean you can’t keep up with any of them.

Pay attention to your networks

Bird by bird
At the very minimum, you’ll need to pay attention. You’ll need to listen. You’ll need to participate with everyone.
At replies (@replies), direct messages (DMs), and third-party mentions. Plus, you need to engage with generosity of spirit and patience. You’ll need to engage with everyone who engages with you with as much personal touch and attention as you would someone you already know — with the understanding that you’re only being damned with your success.
Were it not for your success building your brand and reputation online, you wouldn’t have this problem, would you?
“My father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother’s shoulder, and said, ‘Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.’”
— author Anne Lamott
There’s an amazing book by Anne Lamott called Bird by Bird. It’s a book about writing that suggests that no matter how overwhelming the Herculean task before you, you can reduce it to simple steps. In the case of the book, a 10-year-old boy was freaking out about a book report about birds:
“Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a report on birds written that he’d had three months to write. It was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother’s shoulder, and said, ‘Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.’”
Bird by bird, follower by follower, friend by friend.
People don’t like being collected but people really hate being dismissed.

Engaging right up through the tens of thousands

The beautiful secret about being present, being well-engaged with your followership as you develop the sort of following that extends into the thousands and tens of thousands, is that outside of private messages, engaging openly and honestly with people publicly and before others is an outstanding way of shaking hands and kissing babies while the cameras are on.
However, that’s just a way of expanding and deepening perceived intimacy online; a way of spending quality time with one person publicly so as to show humor, humility, kindness, and attention to everyone else.
But you know, now or even before, that people don’t like being collected, people hate being dismissed, and people resent being trifled with, so you’ll make a business of engaging pleasantly with everyone who comes to your door, no matter how casual the encounter, no matter how modest their pedigree, and no matter how non-existent their Klout.
Remember, every day, that you don’t have to do any of this. You need to neither collect thousands of people nor need to maintain a simple cadre of real people you’ve met in real life. It depends on what you want. Do you want access and influence or do you want relationship and intimacy — or some degree of both?
Whether you’re rocking a few hundred or a few thousand followers on Twitter or 38 million like Justin Bieber, people know that. They understand you’re busy. They know you’re probably torn in two by your schedule. That said, remember that this relationship must be a relationship of mutual respect: Do you thank people for their retweets? For being mentioned in a #FollowFriday?
Are you responsive enough to take the time to brandish your virtual Sharpie to sign autographs? To smile sweetly as you’re immortalized in a virtual mugshot-with-a-star?
You don’t need to engage every day with every one of your 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, or 100,000 followers: Remember, bird by bird, friend by friend.



Thursday, May 9, 2013

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Sunday, May 5, 2013


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oys advanced disk scanning technology to completely scan and recover pictures, videos and other media files. Compatible with almost all versions of Windows, the software is built with user-friendly interface and performs complete recovery even in complex situations.