Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Remember LinkedIn for social media marketing by Chris Abraham

Promoting yourself, your brand, your products, your services, and your clients via social media is what we’re about here at Biznology. Social media marketing is what I have been doing for my clients, my business, and my own brand since 2003.
In spite of all those campaigns, all those clients, and all those hours, I tend to spend all of my energy on blogs, bloggers, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and even reddit, message boards, fora, and email lists before I spent time on maybe the most powerful top-down influential platforms in the social media- and social networking- sphere.
Screen-Shot-2013-08-14-at-4.14.25-PMLinkedIn is not just an optional social network to use when you’re either between jobs or looking for a business upgrade. LinkedIn isn’t simply an SEO placeholder for your brand, your company, or your name. And, even if your job is not in sales, business development, or business to business marketing, there’s a lot going on on LinkedIn you’ll surely want to spend some serious time exploring.

Completely Fill Out Your LinkedIn Profile

Maybe you set up your LinkedIn profile years ago. Maybe you’re still in the same job and aren’t looking for one. Well, you should return to LinkedIn because it’s a social media platform that introduces new products, services, and access relatively often. While you probably did fill out your LinkedIn profile completely at the time, quite a few other descriptors have been added since, including things like awards, specialties, charity, details of your career, education, publications, and events in your life. If you dig in just a little bit, you’ll see there a lot more going on. LinkedIn has bought web apps like Slideshare and Pulse so they’ve been working hard at becoming more of a social media destination, your one-stop social network for not only finding business and a job but doing your job better, staying on top of industry news, what your competitors are doing, what your clients are reading. If you’re anything like me, you might go for more than a couple weeks without dipping a toe into your LinkedIn account (while you probably are unwilling to let an hour pass without checking in on your Facebook, Twitter, or even what your friends are passing around on Pinterest. LinkedIn is no longer a stagnant pool, it’s become much more of a community in its own right.


Chris AbrahamAbout Chris Abraham

A pioneer in online social networks and publishing, with a natural facility for anticipating the next big thing, Chris is an Internet analyst, web strategy consultant and advisor to the industries' leading firms. He specializes in Web 2.0 technologies, including content syndication; organize search engine optimization (SEO), online reputation management (ORM), content marketing, online collaboration, blogging, and consumer generated media.


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