Friday, August 31, 2012

5 Ways Small Businesses Can Make the Most Out of Social Media

by Jennifer Gregory on June 29th, 2012

 Most large corporations have positions dedicated solely to managing the company’s social media outlets, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and now Pinterest. But as a small business owner, social media responsibilities most likely land on your desk or another employee’s desk in addition to many other responsibilities. With the ability of social media to increase your customer loyalty, revenue and brand recognition, it is important that it doesn’t get pushed to the bottom of your to-do list.

Here are five tips for maximizing your presence on social media:

Pick the Right Media for the Message
Different social media applications are best used for different messages and goals. Think about the different messages you want to share with potential customers and then decide the best place for that based on the type of interactions on that media. By having a strategy, you will maximize your time spent and also increase the effectiveness of what you are sharing.

Raindrop Roofing in Portland, Ore. has seen a significant increase in leads due to their focused social media marketing efforts. “Twitter is our daily touchpoint for generating conversation, Facebook is who we are in pictures and LinkedIn, in terms of social networking, is our business networking anchor,” said Jenni Green Miller, social media/marketing director. They also use Angie’s List and Yelp to interact with potential customers.

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