All The Internet Marketing Gurus Say …“BUILD A LIST!” Now Do It Soooo Quickly And Easily, Your Visitors Sign Up Before They Know It!
Forget “One Trick” Popup Software, And Give Your Visitors EVERY Chance To Connect With You …
Hi Friends and Marketers from around the World!Have you seen these numbers?
They are VERY revealing…
Here’s the breakdown of 10,000 signups…and how they signed up…
- Popup: 37.8% (Big pop, nice design, big ebook cover)
- Sidebar: 20% (Text only, graphic subscribe / call to action button)
- Footer: 19.7% (Text only, graphic subscribe / call to action button)
- Signup Page: 3.2% (a single, UNLINKED TO squeeze page, similar to popup)
- Get The Rest Of This: 10.4% (A Special post, with a sign up form in the post…more about this in a bit)
What If You Could… Quickly And Easily…
- Add An Optin Form with a “lightbox” (a popup with the background darkened, so that all your visitor sees is your Optin Offer, so they either have to subscribe or dismiss your form in order to see the page underneath…)
- Have a Footer Bar or Header Bar Opt-In Form — especially if you want to attract the visitor’s attention, but not hit them with an “in your face” popup requiring them to take action
- Display hidden content: Rarely seen outside of expensive WordPress membership software, but you can have it — get your visitors salivating to see more, and show it to them after they’ve opted in.
- Subscribe on commenting: Get the ideal subscribers — those folks already commenting on your blog … this makes it super simple for them to do— all they have to do is click a checkbox…
- Subscribe on registration: Not something most blogs offer, but if you offer user registration, why not make it so it adds them to your email list (the one of your choosing, of course!)
- Put a “Subscribe” Box In All Your Posts: Hey, a sweet, quiet, simple request for them to signup to your email list to get more … you just gave them great content, show them how to keep getting more…
- Put a “Subscribe” Box In Particular Posts…(shhhh…remember the “Get The Rest Of This” from the Optin statistics above? He split a great post into two, kept the first half in the post and the second half in a pdf. The visitor had to opt-in to the subscribe form in the post to get the second half.)
- Create a “Cascade” of Exit Popups…under precise “fighter pilot” control…each popup with its own content, each sending the user to a unique URL…and you can add the “cascade” to all your pages or any of your pages…you choose…!
- Put Your “Subscribe” Form anywhere you want on your WordPress blog…
- Mix’n’Match all of the above to your heart’s content…
Sound Interesting..Check it out Here