Sunday, July 28, 2013

Why You Need Content Marketing For Personal Branding~ By Jill Celeste


Why You Need Content Marketing For Personal Branding image why you need content marketing for personal branding 437723Content marketing has gotten a lot of buzz lately – and for good reason. It’s a powerful way for brands to offer helpful content to their customers without asking them to make a purchase – and part of the trust-building process brands can follow to generate leads for future sales.

While we hear much about content marketing for companies, it is also important to consider content marketing for personal branding. Here are eight ways content marketing can boost your personal brand:

#1: Content marketing lets you show off your expertise.

What are you an expert in? There’s no better way to tell the world than through content marketing. Put yourself in your potential customers’ shoes and think about the questions they have about your industry. Then, write blog posts, make videos and design PowerPoint presentations that answer these questions. By positioning yourself as an expert and problem-solver, people will turn to you for answers, and, eventually, to purchase your products or services.

#2: You can build online authority through content marketing.

Your goal is to make your name synonymous with your niche, and content marketing will help you achieve this goal. As you create more content marketing pieces and share your knowledge with the world, you build your online authority. Partnering with other experts also helps build online authority. Bylined articles, podcast interviews and collaborating on webinars are all effective ways to extend your online authority.

#3: Content marketing helps with SEO.

Simply put, when you constantly create new content, you are helping your overall search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Google looks for relevant content, social signals and smart linking as part of its search algorithms. By creating helpful content, you are satisfying one-third of this SEO formula. Showing up on the first page of Google search results is a great way for customers to find you!

#4: Connect with others through content marketing.

Another aspect of your personal branding strategy is to connect with others, building relationships that grow your personal brand. Content marketing can help you connect with others in so many ways. First, through blog comments, you can answer questions and leave valuable feedback on influencers’ blog posts. You can also build relationships as you share your original content through social media channels. Finally, consider guest posts and interviews where you can extend your reach even more.

#5: With content marketing, you are always learning and sharing.

Personal branding is a journey of learning and sharing. While you are an expert in your niche, you can always learn from others. Be generous with what you learn and share it with your audience. Not only will you be more “human” with your audience, you will gain their trust even more. Consider content curation as part of your overall content marketing strategy. By using content curation tools such as Alltop,, Feedly and Google Alerts, you’ll always have fresh content to share.

#6: High-quality content marketing makes you trustworthy.

That may sound like a tall order, but it’s very true: People learn to trust you through content marketing. When you provide high-quality content on a consistent basis, people will see you as helpful, knowledgeable and reliable. Furthermore, people buy from those they trust. If you’re helping them with your content marketing, you will be the person they’ll trust when it’s time to make a purchase.

#7: Establish yourself as a teacher and role model through content marketing.

Hand in hand with trust, people also purchase from those they admire, and content marketing is a fabulous way to find people who will admire your work. In most cases, you are not a marketer – you’re a photographer, SEO specialist or personal trainer. Teach people what you know. Be a role model in your industry. Show this expertise through content marketing, and people will line up to hire you.

#8: Through content marketing, you are showing people you are there for them.

Part of your personal brand rests on this question: What do you want to get paid to do (but you would do it for free)? When you’re passionate about your niche, it shows. You can’t help but help people get better! As you create content that exudes your passion, people will see you care for them. As you answer their questions, your audience will know you have their best interest at heart. This care and compassion translates to trust, admiration and loyalty – all hallmarks of a solid personal brand.
Personal branding is the way to show the world how you can help them. Think of content marketing as a vehicle to help you on this journey. When you create helpful, high-quality content that speaks to your audience, you are building your personal brand every time. Be there for your audience, and they’ll be there for you. Your personal branding experience will be that much richer.
Why You Need Content Marketing For Personal Branding image ebook cover 236x3002
Stuck on what type of original content to produce? Be sure to get my free report, 76 Types of Original Content That Will Skyrocket Your Brand. You’ll never be short on content marketing ideas again!
Enter your email address here, and I’ll email the report right over to you (be sure to check your Spam folder if it doesn’t land in your inbox in a few minutes).


Jill Celeste

Jill Celeste, MA helps entrepreneurs and professionals learn to use social media to grow their personal brands so they can attract more clients, get better job offers and make more money. Jill believes that people buy from those they trust, and the best way for entrepreneurs and professionals to build that trust is through social media and content marketing. Jill is also the owner of Hound Dog Social Media, a full-service social media marketing agency, which helps her coaching clients implement smart social media solutions.

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Easy Instant Traffic


“Discover The Fail Proof Method Of Generating Unlimited Free Instant Web Traffic To Your Blog (on complete autopilot) Every Time You Add A New Post!
If you really want to drive unlimited FREE traffic to your website and maximize your income INSTANTLY you need only ONE powerful tool to make it happen and you can activate it in less than 2 minutes!
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Then, read on!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

With social media, you need to do more than forage ~ By Chris Abraham


Passivity & lack of focus won’t get the deal done

This is the first of a three-part series.
Target audience: Marketing professionals, SEO specialists, businesses, nonprofits, Facebook administrators, anyone with a Facebook page.
Chris AbrahamWhen you put lots of energy, time, and passion — but no plan — into your social media marketing and PR campaigns, you’re a forager. And you surely won’t starve foraging. You’ll always be fed. Social media foraging does get protein in the pot, though that protein is generally more in the form of grubs than it is prime grade lean steak. As they say, “look under enough rocks and you’ll eventually find a snake” (to eat). And, growing your followership, engaging heartily and consistently, and building up your Klout and reputation means that you’ll increase your snake-finding opportunities. But what you’re really doing is setting up a system where you know where to look and under which rocks.
While this is an excellent first step, it’s very passive and generates relatively little meat for your family, while also easily being depleted as you evolve from being a lone wolf to joining a tribe, evolving into a village, a town, and a city.
There is nothing at all wrong with foraging, especially if your needs are modest and you’re only providing for yourself or your nuclear family; however, it doesn’t scale well, especially if you’re part of a larger agency or if you’re the social media marketing rep for even a small business. If your company has a sales force or a business development department, you probably should evolve past foraging.
Practically speaking, social media foraging includes sharing content and links from content and news sites that are not your own as well as engaging in conversations that aren’t linked at all but rather share your experience, your smarts, your mastery, and your currency on a subject, be it professionally, personally, or on behalf of your brand, employer, or client.
Mind you, I guess it depends on how much your time is worth — what you’re foraging for. You can surely live very handsomely from foraging for truffles; indeed, it all comes down to the value of what you’re able to piece together and how valuable or nutritious your collected grub is.
A lot of people get stuck here because they are afraid of being perceived as selfish if they spend too much time actually promoting their own products, services, case-studies, staff, or brand — it’s a very WASPy thing to do (just say no to gauche, improper topics such as Sex, Money, Religion, Health Issues, Politics, or Family — no, no, no!) and while it can, indeed, build your reputation and probably gets you lots of retweets, likes, and attention (especially if you’re witty, funny, clever, or share witty, funny, and clever content from elsewhere), you probably won’t get anyone to “click through” to your content on your site or blog (because the only link to your site, your content, or your services are on your Twitter bio, your Facebook about page, or the professional information on your LinkedIn profile).
Foragers rarely hijack hashtags or trend-surf — those things are just not done. The messaging is all about being compelling, interesting, attractive, entertaining, and informative — one’s charm and engagement should be enough. Being present, observant, and persistent should be enough to both build one’s reputation both on social media as well as in real life.

To scale, you’ll need to drive interest toward a business’s bottom line

In a perfect world, I guess most passionate social media users are foragers by nature — especially if their goal is to become popular or to really become part of an online community. In a perfect world, online engagement wouldn’t have such a strong “what’s in it for me” agenda; however, there’s a difference between being a social media maven, a social media passion-player, or a social media celebrity and being a social media marketer.
Social media marketing demands a strategy that ultimately results in an outcome that means something to a business’s bottom line, be it your own, your boss’, or your client’s — whether that’s more subscriptions to your blog or newsletter, more traffic to your corporate or product site, or channel leads and sales, being a social media marketer is not simply a popularity contest, it’s a contest for market share, for revenue, for brand recognition, or for leads.
And while the best foragers do, indeed, have a plan, it’s generally not a plan that includes much beyond itself.
Surely, a forager in the wild indeed knows what’s under every rock, what’s in every rotten stump, and what fungi are edible, poisonous, or even a truffle!
However, to scale, you’re going to have to drive interest beyond yourself, beyond just making ends meet.
Do you want to scale? Do you need to? Do you need to feed more than yourself and your family? Are you responsible for an entire tribe, a village, or even a town?
In that case, you’ll need to evolve into a social media trapper or even a social media hunter, which we’ll talk about in my next two posts.Chris Abraham is a partner in Contact Chris via email, follow him on Twitter and Google Plus or leave a comment below.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

"Discover The Fail Proof Method Of Generating Unlimited Free Instant Web Traffic"


"Discover The Fail Proof Method Of Generating Unlimited Free Instant Web Traffic To Your Blog (on complete autopilot) Every Time You Add A New Post!

If you really want to drive unlimited FREE traffic to your website and maximize your income INSTANTLY you need only ONE powerful tool to make it happen and you can activate it in less than 2 minutes!

Are you fed up with the constant battle to generate traffic to your website?

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- And finally, do you want to learn a powerful new strategy that makes it easy to blast unstoppable, targeted web traffic to your website without having to lift a finger?

Then, read on!


Saturday, July 13, 2013

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