Thursday, May 31, 2012

Join Me On The Journey

"Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. Make today a new beginning, join me on that journey."

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Writers Block

Well the morning started off at 6:00 a.m. with a big bang, coffee pot broke coffee all over dog running around trying to lick it all up what a mess.
I have spent like three days trying to think of a post and all I have gotten is a big blank. The guys meaning, Dave and Dave our founders of this fantastic program have made this way to easy and pretty much have done all the work so what to talk about is difficult, and as Dave says don’t be all business, unfortunately that is pretty much all I know so I guess I am going to have to figure out how to be a little creative in my writing.
I have spent the some of my time setting up links at my web site, had to redo the google blog because they changed their format, then into my old word press and last but not least a fan page at Facebook which turned out to be a total night mare, but we must leave no stoned unturned the more you have going the more the traffic so get it where you can.
Will catch you all later, in the mean time check out the fan page at Facebook and give me some comments, would love to hear them and if you like it hit like.
Have a GoodOne Friends

Friday, May 25, 2012

Another Day ~ Another Dollar

Good Morning One and All
Today I am going to spent some time working on a new back link network site I came across that has a plug in to work with this blog. Still waiting on approval, but I will keep you posted if it’s a good thing or not for improving your ranking.
In the mean time check out the video at my new business venture, looks like a real winner.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A New Business Venture

Today I joined a marketing group that I personally think you may be interested in, it is a complete package, all the hard work has been done for you. This is a great opportunity for someone who would like to get into marketing, make some money but who just does not have all the skills needed. Their compensation plan is outstanding and certainly is worth taking a listen to the video. I will keep you posted as to how I am doing but take a few minutes and check out the video and give it some thought. In the last four years I have tried I can not begin to count so many business’s that just were a waste of time, but after listening to the video it was very appealing and they really have laid out a great plan, it is one of the best I have ever seen. Let me know what you think.
 Few Lessons Learned

 After three years of trying to earn money on line only to realize I was doing it all wrong and about to quit someone gave me some advise, which I had wished I had been given from the very beginning. One of the reasons most people fail at internet marketing is they do not know the correct principle's on how to get ranking in the search engines, without ranking your business will go no where and you will just be wasting time and money. I spent endless hours clicking at surf sites, paying for credits only to realize all the traffic I was getting was from folks doing the same thing I was doing, they were clickers to and not exactly what you would call quality traffic. This practice is a waste of time and does not produce quality traffic, just lookers, with no potential for increasing your business and earning income.
So where do we begin? The first order of business is to set up a blog, word press, writing articles and submitting them for publication etc. If your business already has a pre made site that is what you are going to promote as well. Next comes learning how to do Seo, back links and choosing quality tag words.
Now I know your sitting there saying to yourself I do not know how to do that...I said that to, but it is easier then you think once you get started.
I recently set up a new web site. It initially started out for me to just do click bank, but as I was putting it together I started to think of all the hours I spent helping others to promote their business and out of frustration they just gave up. At that point I decided to have others come and join me, I added a membership page, links, forum and news. The idea behind it was to help others promote their internet business and in turn we all would be helping each other. I would do all the promoting for the web site, you as a free member would add your business and at the same time also add the website to your listing, where by each member would get quality traffic increasing their earning potential. If each member learned how to promote their site, we would increase our exposure in the search engines and all members would increase their ranking bringing quality traffic and sales to their site. If this sounds like something you would like to get involved in go to my site sign up as member and contact me personally so I can help you to start to promote your internet business.