Sunday, September 2, 2012

As Election Nears, Small Business Owners Migrating Toward Romney

Political Tracking Swing
Latest Political Tracking Poll from Largest Online
Small Business Community Reveals Key Insights on
Hot Election Topics

COLUMBUS, Ohio—August 21, 2012— With less than

 three months until the
 election, the small business community continues to shift their
vote to Gov. Mitt Romney, according to a new survey by Manta,
the largest online community dedicated entirely to small business.
The majority (61 percent) of small business owners say they
 plan to vote for Romney and only 26 percent say they plan
 to vote for
 President Barack Obama - down 6 percent since May.
Additionally, the selection of U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan as
Republican vice presidential candidate didn't impact the
small business
owner vote as the majority (58 percent) says they still plan to vote
 for Romney and 25 percent say Obama still gets their vote.
However, Obama may still have a fighting chance with small
 business owners given that 40 percent say their vote
will likely be
influenced by how the needs of small businesses are
 addressed by the
candidates during the upcoming Republican and
Democratic conventions.
At the same time, small business owners may not be

easily swayed,
 as nearly half (48 percent) say convention-related
will not impact their votes. Only 25 percent of small
 business owners
say that the initiatives discussed during the election
will influence
their voting decision and just under 20 percent say that the
speeches from the presidential candidates at the conventions
 could sway their vote. Moreover, 38 percent say they
are most likely
to base their vote on which party best represents itself
as most supportive
 of small business initiatives and growth. Only 19 percent of
small business
owners feel Obama and the Democratic Party best support
small business,
a 7 percent decrease since the last poll in May. Currently,
more than half
of the respondents (54 percent) say the Republican Party
is the biggest
supporter of small business.
"While it is critical that the presidential candidates

address vital small business issues like tax policy and
 healthcare at the conventions this year,
 it's also important that they share concrete examples with the
small business
community about how proposed initiatives will help
them grow their
business the rest of year and in the future," said Pamela Springer,
CEO of Manta.
"With a shaky economy, small businesses are trying to catch up
and rely on non-governmental resources to stay in business."   

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